Monday, February 13, 2012

So, you think your religion is right and just?

I have been an advocate for many years now to get people away from organized religion and to start thinking for themselves. It's funny,because I have had conversations with many people in the fact that you don't need God or religion to have strong morals and standards. I mean,take me for example,I'm a LaVeyan Satanist,and very open about it,and people that have no clue automatically condemn me as a devil worshiper and ask stupid questions like "Do you sacrifice people or animals?". Idiots,all of the sheeple,bred to think that anyone that doesn't follow their beliefs is a sinner and is horrible. But,I digress and get back to my point. I'm not Christian,or Catholic,or any of these religions that believe in a deity or "Godhead":God for short.

But,yet,I somehow maintain strong morals. I will never harm a child or woman,I do not drink or do drugs,I don't steal,lie or cheat people,and I work and help my family as much as possible. I tell my mom and my brother every day that I love them. I listen to all kinds of music,including metal. I don't need a God or religion to tell me the difference between right and wrong,because I know the difference,I was raised to know the difference,and I was brought up with a strong belief in common decency and respect. I'm not saying I'm perfect,because I did screw up when I was younger (I experimented with drugs as a teenager,but got myself clean without anyone's help),and I did get in to a bit of trouble,but that all stopped too,and I did it all without religion. I never blamed it on music,or the devil,or anything absurd like that. I blamed me getting in trouble to my own stupidity at the time and not thinking of the consequences. Not everything was my fault though,sometimes I had to step up and handle "situations",but that's neither here nor there for my point.

My point is,sit back and imagine a world without religion for a moment. A world where no one's better than anyone and no one's Godhead is better than anyone else's. A world where people aren't hated for what they believe in. There would be no such things as Muslims,Jews,Christians,Catholics,Atheists,Agnostics,Buddhists,Satanists,Taoists,Seventh Day Adventists,Mormons,Wiccans,etc. There would only be people. No reason to argue or fight over beliefs. There would have never been any Holy Crusades,or a Holocaust,or Middle Eastern Wars,or Civil Wars. You're reason to dislike someone would be based on how they treated you without a book of some beliefs telling them what they shouldn't like about you.

Do you all see what I'm getting at? It's not the music,or the shows,or the video games or the devil that makes people do bad things. The major causes for the problems like war and murder and theft and everything else can be blamed on two things: Lack of a proper upbringing and blind faith in religion. Parents,get off your asses and step in to tell your kids if they are doing something wrong. Punish them within the limits of the law if they screw up,and stop kicking them out pon the streets to become our problem to deal with. Stop relying on religion to take care of everything and get off your ass,get motivated,grab life by the balls and do something productive like raise your kids right,work,and treat each other with respect no matter what your religious belief is.

By the way,anyone that thinks I'm just a jerk spouting off,take a look at this site,and see what so called "Good Christians" are quite capable of. Click the link below

By the way,the best quote I have ever heard : "Why is there enough religion to incite war but not enough religion to instill tolerance"- Thorin

1 comment:

  1. I think I heard a song about all of this once...

    Good shit man, I totally agree.
